Morris County Housing Authority in 07869

215 Morris Turnpike Randolph New Jersey 07869

Brief Information About Housing Authority in Randolph

The Morris County Housing Authority is situated at 215 Morris Turnpike Randolph New Jersey 07869. The phone number is 973-895-5663. Their housing code is NJ092.

The HA is responsible for managing the housing program for citizens in need. This includes the application step, the guidelines for eligibility, and any other resources. The HA’s mission is to provide subsidized rents for low-income families, provide access to various assistance programs for housing problems. You can reach out to the Morris County Housing Authority for issues regarding the qualification process, the location of the proprieties that are under the office’s management, or any information regarding Randolph Section 8 landlord’s details.

Existing Programs in Randolph HA

The Morris County Housing Authority provides excellent opportunities for people that are having problems with their housing situation. The table below shows data on HUD housing programs in Randolph.

HUD Housing Programs in Randolph

Morris County New Jersey
Subsidized Units 3,692 165,436
Occupied % 100.0% 94.0%
People Per Unit 1.6 1.9
People Total 5,762 300,803
Average Family Expenditure Per Month $460 $401
Average HUD Expenditure Per Month $704 $904
Average Months on Wait List 27 43

Public Housing Programs in Randolph

The public housing program by Randolph HA is built in such a way that the voucher covers up to 70% of the rent costs. To qualify for this program, the people need to have income that does not exceed the 50% of the median income. Below is the latest data for Public Housing Programs in Randolph.

Morris County New Jersey
Subsidized Units 907 31,338
Occupied % 97.0% 93.0%
People Per Unit 1.8 1.8
People Total 1,535 52,869
Average Family Expenditure Per Month $478 $385
Average HUD Expenditure Per Month $381 $695
Average Months on Wait List 23 43

Section 8 Housing Programs in Randolph

The Section 8 vouchers provided by the Randolph HA tend to cover most of the expenses and are of great assistance to families that are struggling. Below is the latest data for Section 8 in Randolph.

Morris County New Jersey
Subsidized Units 880 47,571
Occupied % 99.0% 97.0%
People Per Unit 1.2 1.6
People Total 1,095 71,124
Average Family Expenditure Per Month $323 $339
Average HUD Expenditure Per Month $942 $1,060
Check if you qualify for HUD Public Housing Program: Check if you qualify for Section 8 Housing Programs:
Public Housing Program Section 8 Program

2022 Income Limits

According to the latest statistical data as of 2022, the median income is $40,000. You can find up-to-date data on income limits for Randolph and other cities by clicking on the link:


Waiting List Statuses in Randolph

Morris County Housing Authority Section 8 Voucher Wait List

The Section 8 Voucher Programs waitlist is Closed. For current program waitlist status, contact Randolph HA directly. Up-to-date contact information for Morris County Housing Authority is listed in the “Listing Info”.

Morris County Housing Authority Public Housing Wait List

The Public Housing Programs waitlist is Open. For current program waitlist status, contact Randolph HA directly. Up-to-date contact information for Morris County Housing Authority is listed in the “Listing Info”.


How Do I Apply in Morris County Housing Authority?

To apply for the Public Housing Program or the Section 8 voucher, you would need to reach out to the Morris County Housing Authority first. From them, you will get the application form. You also prepare the necessary for all the family members: ID, employment, bank account info, bank account status. You can e-mail or drop in the application at the Morris County Housing Authority office. They will contact you with any questions.

More information can be found on the official HUD website:


Additional Information

New Jersey HUB News

Official websites of housing authorities in New Jersey


How to apply for a Section 8 housing choice voucher program?

You can apply for the housing choice voucher program by reaching out to the local housing authority office. You fill out their application form and provide all supporting documents. After you have all the forms and supporting documents, you drop them at the local office, and then you are placed on a waiting list. If approved, you will receive a mail at your current address stating the details. You will then notify your landlord. After you have been accepted onto the housing choice voucher program go to the housing office and sign the contract.

What is an example of public housing?

Public housing is a program that has more than 900000 units across all USA. They are rarer in rural areas. These units are more often in poor areas and racially segregated communities. The service is to prevent homelessness, in one way or another. The HA gives rental vouchers that cover some part of the rent, and the tenants are responsible for covering a small part of the rent. That part depends on the agreement and the situation of the tenant. The HA program is designed to help people that are struggling to get a roof on their heads. The HA can be managed by the state, and by local agencies.

Who qualifies for public housing?

To qualify for the housing authority, you need to reach out to the housing authority office. You then fill out a form that they give you and on that form, you list the below information:

  • Names of the persons that will live with you.
  • Their sex, birthdate, and relationship to you.
  • Your contact and current address.
  • Special circumstances that apply to you ( veteran, disability, elderly, etc.).
  • Details of the previous landlord. The idea is that these landlords will be reached out to and asked if you are a reliable tenant.
  • Income information, which means tax documents and W2 documents.
  • Bank information, as that will be used to check the accuracy of your monetary situation.
  • There is also a chance that you might get a home visit and asked questions.


What is the Section 8 housing choice voucher?

The idea of Section 8 is that it allows the landlord to rent their proprieties to eligible tenants that get federal help. The tenant pays its rent partially with the voucher and partially with its money. Section 8 covers rent for up to one year. For more than 1 year, you apply again for the program.

How long can you stay in public housing?

When getting a place to live with the housing authority, it is good news as your emergency is now solved. Well, there are always the questions of what happens next and how long can you stay in that place? The short answer is if you keep qualifying for the same requirements that you got the place in the first time. That means that if your income stays below 80% of the local median income, you are good. There is always the requirement of good behavior.

You also must take care of your part of the rent. The housing authority provides help, but the idea is that you still cover a small part of the rent and expenses. You also need to make your payments on time.


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