Open Section 8 Waiting Lists In Arizona

Eloy Housing Authority Open Until Further Notice Residents of the City of Eloy or Toltec Apply Now
Yuma City Housing Authority Open Until Further Notice Temporary Housing Preference for the Family Unification Program, Specifically for YouthAging out of Foster Care, the Housing Authority of the City of Yuma (HACY) was awarded 15 Family Unification Program (FUP) Vouchers specifically for youth aging out of foster care. This program is currently administered in collaboration with the Public Child Welfare System (PCWA), HUD-VASH Vouchers "Veterans Affairs for Supportive Housing", The Housing Authority of the City of Yuma (HACY) has received funding for 41 HUD-VASH vouchers. These vouchers are specifically for families referred by the Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VAMC) Apply Now


How long were HCV waiting lists kept open in the United States in the last few years?

On average, Section 8 HCV waiting lists in the United States remained accessible for approximately 575 days over the past three years. A significant portion of these lists had brief durations of availability. Within the same timeframe, 25% were accessible for seven days or less, and 7.9% were accessible for only one day (or even just a few hours). Consequently, it’s crucial for low-income renters to promptly apply upon discovering an open waiting list.

What level of difficulty might I encounter in obtaining a voucher if I am not presently residing within the jurisdiction served by the housing authority?

Renters have the option to apply to any open HCV waiting list nationwide. The program aims to facilitate mobility, enabling renters to relocate to areas with greater opportunities. Certain housing authorities prioritize local residents when placing applicants on their waiting lists. While individuals residing outside the area can still join the waiting list, they may face prolonged wait times before receiving a voucher, if they receive one at all. In the past three years, 31.8% of the opened waiting lists in the United States have implemented a preference for local residents.

Who benefits from the HCV programs administered by housing authorities in the United States?

HCV households served by housing authorities in the United States include: 33% headed by seniors 26% with a person with a disability 38% with children 28% where the majority of household income comes from wages earned

Why are there Section 8 waiting lists?

Similar to many other low-income housing initiatives, individuals seeking a Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher are placed on a waiting list due to the substantial demand for vouchers outweighing the available supply. The waiting lists for Section 8 vouchers also tend to be lengthier compared to those of other housing programs, primarily because recipients have the flexibility to choose their preferred apartment or house. In contrast, most other rental housing programs mandate that households reside in predetermined apartments.

How does a Section 8 waiting list work?

To initiate the process, renters need to initially complete an application with a housing authority that has an active Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) waiting list. If there are no open waiting lists at present, applications cannot be accepted. Upon submission, the housing authority will compile a roster of eligible applicants, typically sorted either by a random lottery or the chronological order of application receipt. Given that many of these waiting lists have limited capacity, some qualified applicants may not secure a spot on the list. If the household qualifies and is chosen for placement on the waiting list, the housing authority will issue a confirmation. It’s important to note that certain waiting lists may prioritize applicants based on specific preferences, such as age or residency status, granting precedence to qualified households over others. Once on the waiting list, be prepared for an extended wait. Due to the substantial demand for the HCV program, waiting lists can stretch for several months or even years. Upon reaching the top of the waiting list, the household will undergo an eligibility interview to confirm qualifications. In the event that the household fails to meet the criteria, they can continue to apply to other active waiting lists for an opportunity to secure a voucher.

Section 8 Waiting List Openings By State

Aside from planned openings, numerous waiting lists are active nationwide indefinitely. Explore the availability of waiting list openings in each state below.
Alabama Arizona California Florida
Illinois Louisiana Maryland Michigan
New Jersey New York North Carolina Pennsylvania
Texas Virginia